Mike Schag Debates Take-Home and Background Exposure
September 21, 2021
HarrisMartin’s annual Midwest Asbestos Litigation Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, has been, for many years, a premier setting where members of the defense and plaintiffs’ bars and the judiciary meet to discuss issues on the cutting edge. This year’s event, held at the Four Seasons Hotel in St. Louis on September 21, marks the fourth time Mike Schag, co-chair of the Toxic Tort & Asbestos Practice Group at Heyl Royster, addresses its attendees.
Mike plans to engage the group in a lively point-counterpoint style exchange with a plaintiffs’ advocate on take-home exposure cases, discussing unsettled areas of the law and evidence-based approaches to case development. In addition, he will lead a debated conversation on the meaning and usage of background exposure level.