Heyl Royster

Review of New Illinois Laws: Local Government

march 4, 2015

Audit Disclosure. The auditor for a county or municipality must provide a copy of the management letter and audited financial statements to each member of the county or municipal board and discuss the audit with the board in person or electronically. If the county or municipality has an Internet site, it must post the information there (H.B. 5503, Demmer—Connelly). P.A. 98-988

E-mail Contact Information. A local government or school district with fewer than 1 million inhabitants, that has a general purpose Internet site must post a single e-mail address for sending messages to elected officials, unless the officials already have an e-mail address available to the public (H.B. 5623, Sandack-DeLuca-Drury—Harmon-Connelly-T. Cullerton). P.A. 98-930

Township Meeting Notices. The time before a township's annual or special meeting by which the township must post notices in public places is increased from 10 to 15 days—as is the time before an annual meeting by which the township board must post an agenda for it. A group of voters (perhaps numbering at least 15), by giving notice to the township clerk by March 1, can require that the question of putting an advisory question on the election ballot be added to the annual meeting agenda (S.B. 497, Harmon-Althoff—Fortner-Riley-Bellock). P.A. 98-653

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