Heyl Royster

Tomaso Joins 2023 DRI OSHA Virtual Boot Camp Speakers Panel

September 13, 2023, 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM (US Central)


Heyl Royster's Workers' Compensation Chair, Toney Tomaso, presents "What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: How OSHA and Workers' Comp Intersect" at the 2023 DRI OSHA VIRTUAL BOOT CAMP on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, beginning at noon—for more information and to register visit: https://education.dri.org/item/2023-dri-osha-virtual-boot-camp-582987.

With a stated purpose "to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for workers by setting and enforcing standards," The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is becoming more involved with daily business operations. While all businesses are concerned with the safety of their employees, the nuances of OSHA law and its compliance requirements can trip up even an experienced practitioner, as its provisions are often not intuitive. This 3.5-hour Boot Camp will provide a primer on the Agency, discuss agency priorities, and provide an overview of and guidance on navigating OSHA's inspection/investigation process. In addition, a business's duties under OSHA will often intertwine, interact, and sometimes interfere with its obligations pursuant to Worker's Compensation insurance policies. 

DRI is the largest international membership organization of attorneys defending the interests of businesses and individuals in civil litigation. Our Boot Camp presenters are highly skilled lawyers who cumulatively have decades of experience representing and advising employers on OSHA inspections, investigations, and citations, as well as the relationship between the Agency and requirements to most Workers' Compensation carriers. 

As Chair of the firm's Workers' Compensation Practice working out of the Champaign and Edwardsville offices, Toney Tomaso covers Workers' Compensation dockets and trials in Illinois and Missouri. He concentrates his practice on Workers' Compensation claims and appeals, protecting Workers' Compensation liens, and third-party defense of employers. Fostering a team approach strategy to defend claims, Toney takes pride in identifying and placing the right people around the table to tap into their expertise, recognizing that he doesn't have all the answers, believing that collaboration can help clarify a picture and assist in making more informed choices to achieve better results. 

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