Benfield and Wurl Obtain Summary Judgment on Behalf of Illinois Hospital
Posted on June 27, 2023 at 9:00 AM by Mark Benfield, Daniel Wurl
Mark Benfield and Dan Wurl recently obtained summary judgment on behalf of a central Illinois hospital in a personal injury action. The plaintiff alleged that a dangerous condition at the hospital caused him to fall and strike his head. The plaintiff alleged damages exceeding $50,000, including pain and suffering, medical expenses, loss of income, and permanent disability. Throughout discovery, Mark and Dan strategically postured the case for summary judgment by developing defense theories to defeat the plaintiff's premises liability claim. The court entered judgment in favor of Defendants on all counts.
Mark Benfield is a passionate advocate, having obtained numerous defense outcomes and trial verdicts. Mark has had cases successfully dismissed when the facts do not warrant a lawsuit. He has successfully facilitated fair and reasonable resolutions when the circumstances lend themselves to settlement. And when parties cannot agree, he has obtained defense and defense-favorable judgments.
Dan Wurl has defended clients in various types of litigation, including medical malpractice, casualty and tort, long-term care and nursing homes, insurance law, products liability, and legal malpractice. He has over 40 years of experience handling civil litigation matters in state and federal courts in central Illinois. He attributes his numerous years of experience and the diversity of his practice with providing his unique insights into handling each case based on the individual client's issues and needs.