Heyl Royster

Tyler Robinson Prevails in Legal Battle to Allow Ex Parte Communications With Non-Defendant Employees of His Medical Group-Client

Posted on September 7, 2023 at 3:00 PM by Tyler Robinson

Heyl Royster attorney Tyler Robinson won a motion to allow ex parte communications with non-defendant employees from his multispecialty medical group client. Tyler convinced the court that Petrillo protects a patient’s reasonable, but not unlimited, expectation of privacy. The trial court found that a medical group is not a third party with respect to its own medical information compiled by its employees. This finding is significant because Petrillo only prohibited unauthorized disclosures of medical information to third parties, which the Illinois Supreme Court has interpreted to mean “parties who otherwise would not possess the information absent the disclosure.” Because the medical group already possessed information gathered by its employees, the court found there was no unauthorized disclosure to third parties.

This is a significant result for our clients. Tyler and his now-retired partner and mentor, Adrian Harless, have relentlessly pursued this legal issue for over a decade on behalf of their clients. Tyler Robinson brings a creative and unique approach to his defense of hospitals, physicians, physician groups, and long-term care facilities throughout the state. Over the years, his unwavering commitment and creative efforts have saved his clients millions of dollars in nationwide lawsuits. The professional liability attorneys at Heyl Royster provide world-class and cost-effective legal services for clients involved in matters protecting your name and reputation. With a proven success record in medical, legal, realtor, and design malpractice litigation, our clients can rest assured that their cases will be given the proper and thorough legal representation they deserve at Heyl Royster.

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