Heyl Royster

Environmental Law

Guiding clients through the legal minefield of environmental regulation.

Environmental regulations have created a legal minefield. One misstep may have drastic consequences, as environmental violations do not necessarily require intent or even negligence for liability to attach. Environmental problems often overlap with other legal issues, such as corporate transactions or property transfers. 

Our attorneys have a range of experience from both the private and public sectors addressing land, air, and water rights and liabilities. We represent a wide range of clients in environmental litigation, counseling, and regulatory compliance, from Fortune 500 companies to small businesses and individuals.

Additionally, for decades, Heyl Royster has defended businesses in personal injury and property damage actions, including cases involving benzene, BTEX compounds, vinyl chloride, nickel/chrome, diacetyl, asbestos, welding rod exposures, coal exposure, and silica. Our attorneys have negotiated Highway Authority Agreements in the public sector and defended claims before the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. We have negotiated Compliance Commitment Agreements, obtained No Further Remediation letters, and worked with the U.S. and Illinois EPA on aspects of property redevelopment. With offices throughout the Midwest, we respond quickly and coordinate our efforts for cost-effective results.



  • Asbestos
  • Brownfields and superfunds sites
  • Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
  • Clean Air and Water Acts
  • Cost recovery actions
  • Endangered Species Act
  • Environmental due diligence
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) enforcement actions
  • Insurance coverage issues
  • Land, air, and water litigation
  • Mine subsidence
  • Mold
  • Permitting and regulatory compliance
  • Radiation and exposure
  • Real estate transactions



Heyl Royster's diverse experience in environmental law and skilled team of attorneys understand how to guide clients through the complicated environmental regulations process. Whether consulting with attorneys to formulate the best strategy to move forward, assess risk, or provide due diligence, Heyl Royster's Environmental Law team is ready to help you with your environmental legal needs.

Heyl Royster Is Ready To Defend You

Contact One Of Our Skilled Attorneys Today!




Representation of a refinery alleged by several hundred residents to have contaminated air and groundwater.

Defeated the challenge by a plaintiff to halt the construction of a new water supply for a municipality because of the alleged presence of two animals listed in the Illinois Endangered Species Act.

Representation of refiners in multi-district litigation alleging damage to water supplies.

Representation of an international utility contractor in a case involving approximately $14 million in consent decree response costs incurred in cleaning up an oil pipeline spill.

Defense of a municipality in response to violation notices before the Illinois E.P.A. involving water and wastewater (storm and sanitary) and alleged violations of NPDES permits.

Defense of an aggregate company (salt, Magnesium Oxide, PetCoke) in an enforcement action by the IEPA, which alleges air and water contamination as a result of the discharge of salt, PetCoke, MagOx, etc.).

Defense of a trucking and materials company in a contempt action that became an enforcement action alleging air and water contamination as a result of the discharge of salt.

Defense of companies in actions by neighboring property owners who claimed contamination from the company's operations invaded their property.

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